2016 – Schedule
If you’d like any further info on these events for the year (costs, content and so forth)
or to be added to our mailing list to receive a monthly newsletter with updates and
details, please contact the chair: Alexandra Johnson: grahamstownkagyu@gmail.com
(no charge for any of these events, donations welcome)
1800-19:00 – sitting practise
19:30-20:30 – audio/DVD teachings and discussion
9:00-10:00 – Green Tara
Full Moon:
Chenrezig (ask for info)
Mindfulness Based Living Course –
Monday evenings from 18:30-20:30, starting 14 March until 23 May 2016,
with breaks for university vac and public holidays.
There will also be a second course starting in July/August 2016,
details to be confirmed.
4 – 6 March: Rob Nairn will be teaching Mindfulness and Insight Training. (He will also
have a once off seminar in the Dept of Psychology on Friday 4 March at 13:00.)
29 March – 3 April: Anton Krueger will be running a Mindfull Writing retreat at Tara Rokpa Centre.
(more info here: www.tararokpacentre.co.za/mindful-writing)
15 – 18 July: Zen retreat with Antony and Margie Osler in the Karoo.
23 August – 25 August: Visit from Thubten (Akong Rinpoche’s right-hand monk)
28 – 30 October: Ken and Katia Holmes teaching in Grahamstown
We’re a small centre, run by membership fees and donations. If you’re just visiting Grahamstown you’re very welcome
to join us. There’s no charge for the weekly events though we’re happy to take your donation to keep us in candles,
incense, tea and biscuits.
We do charge for visiting teachers since we need to cover transport and accommodation costs. Becoming a member means you get discounts on retreats, and that you are also allowed to borrow from our growing library of dharma texts and audio-visual materials. Current membership rates are R150 (full), R100 (students and pensioners), R50 (friend of the centre.) If you’d like to become more involved, or to support us by becoming a member, contact Alex at grahamstownkagyu@gmail.com.