The Basics ~
A comprehensive training in mindfulness, suitable for beginners and for those who already have a mindfulness practice. Progressive skills in mindfulness are taught through presentations, guided practice and tutorial sessions. A strong emphasis is placed on experiential learning, and for this reason there are home assignments between weekends that include regular mindfulness practice, daily life exercises and journal writing.
When ~
Each module will take place over a weekend and the four modules will be spread out over the course of a year.
Where ~
Zimbabwe, Botswana, Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town & final module retreat at Groot Marico.
Module One
Becoming Present
Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention to our moment by moment experience in a way that is nonjudgmental and kind. In the beginning we notice how our attention is like a butterfly flying from one thought to the next. So we start by slowing down and settling our mind through regulating breathing and counting. We then introduce practices that ground us, allowing our attention to drop out of the battlefield of thoughts in our heads into the sensory awareness of the body. We then learn to rest in the present moment getting used to disengaging from our habits of compulsive doing. And then, when we notice our attention drifting away into thinking, we learn to work with the mindfulness supports of sound and breath.
We are initiated into this graduated process through the core practices of settling, grounding, resting and mindfulness support. We also practice bodyscan and walking meditation and simple practices for integrating mindfulness into daily life. Throughout each of the modules we work on developing kindness as a basis for self compassion.
Dates & bookings ~
Botswana: 11th & 12th December 2010 Contact: Ondine ~
Durban: 8th & 9th January 2011 Contact: Kerri ~
Cape Town: 15th & 16th January 2011 Contact: Charlotte ~
Zimbabwe: 5th & 6th February 2011 Contact:
Johannesburg: 12th & 13th February 2011 Contact: