Ken and Katia Holmes – 22-24 November, 2013
Ken Holmes is one of the great teachers of Tibetan Buddhism in the world today. The Grahamstown Buddhist centre first hosted Ken and his wife Katia in 2010, and Ken was back in 2011. Both of them have worked extensively in the translation of Tibetan texts into English, and have had close connections with the first Tibetan Lamas to come into the West. They have been based a the Kagyu centre, Samye Ling, in Scotland for the past 40 years. The depth of their connection to the Buddhist teachings is scholarly and erudite, and yet after years of practise, one also senses the warmth and compassion which has permeated their daily lives. Many of us were profoundly touched by Ken’s teachings on Tong Len and were greatly helped by his meditation instruction, which was very clear and helpful. We are truly privileged to have both Ken and Katia visiting us again.
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WEEKEND RETREAT – The Four Dharmas
Friday 22 November – Sunday 24 November.
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Ken will be teaching from “The Four Dharmas of Gampopa”, conveying an
understanding of the Buddhist path in its many facets, including core
topics in Buddhism such as karma, impermanence, love and compassion.
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If you would like to be guaranteed a place for the weekend, please let us
know soon, as space will be limited to 22 participants and half of that
number already applied (as of 26 October).
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The retreat will take place at the Buddhist centres, with participants
returning to their own homes to sleep. There will be four sessions:
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(1) Friday 22nd 19:00 – 20:30
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(2) Saturday 23rd 9:00 – 12:30
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<lunch – bring a plate of food to share>
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(3) Saturday 23rd 13:30 -16:30
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(4) Sunday 24th 9:00 – 12:30
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<ending with shared lunch>
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Costs of Retreat
Full: R650
Concession (students/pensioners/members): R450.00
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(If you would like to attend the retreat but you are unable
to pay either of these prices, please speak to Alex.)
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There will also be an opportunity for those who would like to have a
personal interview with Ken on Monday 25 November.
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Please contact Alex Johnson to find out more or to book your place: 083 261 8952.