Charley Morley – Lucid Dreaming Talks and Workshops in Grahamstown, 2013
Charlie Morley –
Dreams of Awakening: Lucid dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep retreat
We sleep for a third of our lives. Have you ever wondered how you might make better use of that time? Hay House author and co-creator of “Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep” Charlie Morley shows us how to utilise that 30 year blackout to dream lucidly, sleep deeply and to train our minds to engage meditation all while we’re sound asleep.
By using the best of both Tibetan Buddhist and Western lucid dreaming techniques Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep offers a uniquely holistic approach to lucid dreaming with the aims of psychological growth, friendship with our psyches and nocturnal spiritual practice!
All retreats include an overview of the history, science and practice of lucid dreaming from both the Western psychological and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, instructions on how to maintain awareness into and out of sleep, recognition of illusion and of course plenty of teachings on learning “how to lucid dream”. Lucid dreaming is an important precursory skill to the Tibetan tradition of Dream Yoga and these teachings offer a practical way to learn this incredibly beneficial skill.
Time: Thursday 1 August 19:00-20;00
Cost: R20
At: Grahamstown Buddhist Center, 19 West StreetExploring the Shadow Through Lucid Dreaming
The ‘Shadow’ is a Jungian concept used to describe parts of our psyches that have been rejected, repressed or denied. In this talk Charlie Morley will explore how the shadow can be engaged and reintegrated directly through lucid dreaming.
Time: Friday 2 August 12:30 – 14:00
Cost: Free
At: Room 11, Department of Psychology, Rhodes University
In a comfortable retreat setting, Charlie Morley will give comprehensive explanations of the concepts of lucid dreaming and techniques to help us increase our awareness in sleep and dream states. These can help us to become more lucidly aware, and able to explore a path of both spiritual and psychological awakening.
The retreat this year will be held at Mariya uMama weThemba Monestary on the Highlands Road, just outside of Grahamstown. This is a tranquil setting overlooking a beautiful valley. The retreat talks and workshops will be held in the cozy lounge with a fireplace. There are comfortable private bedrooms, and also for a lesser price, rooms to be shared between two people.
Times: The retreat begins with supper at 6pm on Friday the 2nd of August and concludes at the end of lunch on Sunday, around 1:30.
Cost: The cost includes accommodation, all meals, tea, coffee and biscuits, plus Charlie’s teachings.
Full price single room is R1250.
Shared room (two single beds) is R900.
For students/pensioners/members of the Buddhist center, a single room is R900,
and a shared room is R750.
Limited places are available so please reserve your place by 30 July.
Make your reservations with Anton: or 082 324 3048.
If you are very keen to do the retreat but you are unable to afford these rates, please contact us and we will try to assist you in attending.
Since 2013 Charlie’s teaching style has evolved into a more practical and interactive form than ever before with the addition of music, movement and interactive exercises which all serve to deepen the learning experience. On the “sleep over” residential retreats participants even have the opportunity to engage in optional group dreaming sessions throughout the night in which Charlie guides the group into each dream period with a specific technique.
The Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep approach teaches us not only how to lucid dream within the context of psycho-spiritual growth, but also how to practice mindfulness mediation, increase our everyday awareness and learn how to work with our dreaming mind to reach our fullest potential.
About Charlie Morley:
Charlie received the traditional “authorization to teach” from Lama Yeshe Rinpoche in 2008 and was asked to teach by renowned meditation teacher Prof. Rob Nairn who described him as “the most authentic practitioner of lucid dreaming and dream yoga teaching in Europe”. Charlie has run retreats and workshops around the world, written the book “Dreams of Awakening” for Hay House publications and given the ever first talk on lucid dreaming at the well-known “TED” conferences. Watch Charlie’s TED talk here: